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Campionato Italiano: UnoAerre Acquedotto is the Emperor of Rome

Foto del escritor: prensapoloprensapolo

Polo in Italy continued with another important proposal, the Campionato Italiano di Polo in the capital of the country, with seven days of polo divided in ten days for the six teams (6 goals). (Versión en español)

Unoaerre - Acquedotto Romano Polo Club, La Cavallerizza - Castelluccia, Aircare Pure Polo Team, Ermelinda Polo Club, Chili Polo Team and La Mimosa Sobrim competed hard for the big event at the historic Roma Polo Club, organized by Federazione Italiana Sport Equestri. This was the 33rd edition of one of the most important tournaments in Italy.

Final Match Report and video

Argentine Nicolas Ruis Guinazu's golden goal gave the scudetto to UnoAerre Acquedotto Romano. The title thus remains in the capital, thanks to a 5-4 victory over La Mimosa Sobrim (Milano), who also last year had been defeated in the final, in that case by Battistoni La Castelluccia.

So another beautiful edition of the Italian championship comes to a close, in a Roma Polo Club today full in terms of the number of fans who arrived to admire the champions of the sport. They witnessed a very tight final on the grass of the historic Roman club not far from the Olympic Stadium. Alice Coria, the only woman on the field in these finals, played and stood out with La Mimosa, to whom the Fair Play Award went.

Also today, behind the competition field more than a thousand fans gathered and made their contribution to 'Polo for Smiles,' the charity event in favor of Operation Smile Italy Foundation, to support surgical treatment of children born with facial malformations in Peru. Funds raised at the Roma Polo Club will be used to provide surgical services to two hospitals in the Lima area. (Info: ANSA).

MVP: Goffredo Cutinelli Rendina

Fair Play: Alice Coria

BPP: Brattas Benigna (Open Chimento x Muñeca) Owned and played by Edo Ferrari




El polo en Italia siguió con otra importante propuesta, con el Campionato Italiano di Polo en la capital del país. Fueron siete jornadas de polo repartidas en diez días para los seis conjuntos anotados (6 goles), que contaron con tres italianos cada uno.

Unoaerre - Acquedotto Romano Polo Club fue el mejor del torneo y tuvo en Goffredo Cutinelli a la gran figura del certamen. El equipo se completó con Henry Elser, Giorgio Cosentino y Nicolás Ruiz Guiñazu, que fue el encargado de marcar el gol de oro con el que superó en la final a La Mimosa Sobrim por 5 a 4. El resto de los equipos fueron La Cavallerizza – Castelluccia, Aircare Pure Polo Team, Ermelinda Polo Club y Chili Polo Team. El histórico Roma Polo Club acogió este torneo organizado por la Federazione Italiana Sport Equestri.

Se trató de la 33° edición de uno de los torneos importantes de Italia y vale resaltar la presencia de Alice Coria, integrante del seleccionado femenino de Italia, como la única participante mujer. MVP: Goffredo Cutinelli Rendina

Fair Play: Alice Coria

BPP: Brattas Benigna (Open Chimento x Muñeca) Owned and played by Edo Ferrari Gol de oro de Ruiz Guiñazú para el campeonato!

BPP: Brattas Benigna (Open Chimento x Muñeca) Owned and played by Edo Ferrari



Unoaerre - Acquedotto Romano Polo Club: Henry Elser ITA 0, Giorgio Cosentino ITA -1, Goffredo Cutinelli Rendina ITA 3, Nicolas Ruiz Guinazu ARG 4.

La Cavallerizza - Castelluccia: Francesco Scardaccione ITA -1, Stefano Giansanti ITA 1, Stefano Giansanti ITA 1, Giordano Flavio Magini ITA 2, Patricio Rattagan ARG 4.

Ermelinda Polo Club: Oscar Carona ITA 1, Marcos Antinori ITA 3, Pedro Cabarcos ARG 3, Marco Vazzoler ITA -1.

La Mimosa Sobrim: Alice Coria ITA 0, Matias Coria ARG 3, Edoardo Ferrari ITA 2, Giacomo Galantino ITA 1.

Aircare Pure Polo Team: Fabrizio Facello ITA -1, Therence Cusmano ITA 1, Pedro Alejandro Soria ITA 0, Pedro Lucio Soria ITA 4.

Chili Polo Team: Boris Bignoli ITA 1, Fabrizio Paratore ITA 0, Paolo "Pulli" Grillini ITA 1, Oscar Mancini ARG 3.


Friday 23

Acquedotto Romano Polo Club 9 - 10 Air Care Pure Polo Team VIDEO

Chili Polo Team 4 - 6 La Cavallerizza / Castelluccia VIDEO

Saturday 24

La Mimosa Sobrim 5 - 2 Ermelinda Polo Team VIDEO

Chili Polo Team 10 - 9 Air Care Pure Polo Team VIDEO

Sunday 25

La Mimosa Sobrim 3 - 4 La Cavallerizza / Castelluccia VIDEO Acquedotto Romano Polo Club 6 - 4 Ermelinda Polo Team VIDEO

Thursday 29

Acquedotto Romano Polo Club 6 vs.7 La Cavallerizza / Castelluccia Qualificazioni VIDEO

Friday 30

Chili Polo Team 5 vs. 5 Ermelinda Polo Team Qualificazioni VIDEO

La Mimosa Sobrim 9 vs. 7 Air Care Pure Polo Team Qualificazioni VIDEO

Saturday 1st - SEMI FINALS

15.30 10 Acquedotto Romano Polo Club 9 vs. 7 Air Care Pure Polo Team VIDEO

16.00 11 La Mimosa Sobrim 6 vs. 5 La Cavallerizza / Castelluccia VIDEO

Sunday 2

Trofeo del Sorriso: Ermenlinda 4 vs. 7 Chili VIDEO

3° Place: La Cavallerizza / Castelluccia 8 vs. 6 Air Care Pure Polo Team VIDEO

Final: Acquedotto Romano Polo Club 5 vs. 4 La Mimosa Sobrim VIDEO

MVP: Goffredo Cutinelli Rendina

Fair Play: Alice Coria

BPP: Brattas Benigna (Open Chimento x Muñeca) Owned and played by Edo Ferrari



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