German polo moved to the south of the country for the Condor Cup at the Chiemsee Polo Club Gut Ising e.V.
The club from the city of Chieming held on June 17, 18 and 19 eight teams of up to 4 goals in a major mixed competition welcoming the 2022 season. Clubs from all over Germany from different cities and regions such as Düsseldorf, Bavaria, Munich, Schwarzwald, Landberg, Tagmersheim and Oberbrunn were present in this great event organized by the prestigious local player Eva Brühl and an excellent human group that made so far away from home, our team feel very comfortable!
A great weekend, with social activities, between barbecues and polo matches.
On the sporting side, the best team of the weekend was La Tarde (Cornelius Grupp, Cristian Zarate, Joaquin Copello and Britta Piltz), club from Munich, who beat in the final Bavaria by 8 - 5 1/2. The Silver Cup went to Tagmersheim. MVP was Sophia Jaenecke and BPP was Gilda, played by Joaquin Copello. The event was sponsored and supported by the Hotel Gut Ising, which is always close to top-level polo at the Chiemsee Polo Club. A further option for entertainment and an interesting supporting program was offered by the traditional hotel on Lake Chiemsee to the Condor Cup.
Great on-site coverage by Prensa Polo in the south of Germany.
Highlitghts, by Prensa Polo
Teams Group A Bavaria Polo Club: Patricio Gaynor 4, Ann Meier -1, Emanuel Janisch -1, Andres Maz 0. HCP 2.
Landsberg Polo Club: Comanche Gallardo 2, Joachim Feller 0, Svenja Hölty 1, Maike Hölty 0. HCP 3
Tagmersheim Polo Club: Beni Jaenecke 1, Sophia Jaenecke 0, Abi/ Isabel von Morgenstern -1, Franki Rattagan 3. HCP 3
AeroLogic / Chiemsee Polo Club: Raphael Olivera 3, Rober Ramm -1, Helwig Falch 0, Lorena Renggli -1. HCP 1
Group B La Tarde Polo Club: Cornelius Grupp 0, Cristian Zarate 2, Joaquin Copello 3, Britta Piltz -1. HCP 4
Schwarzwald Polo Club: Laurenz Gabrin 1, Uli Gabrin -1, Dominik Velazquez 1, Alberto Bargas 2. HCP 3 Düsseldorf Polo Club: Alex Piltz 1, Eva Brühl 2, Clari Markgraf 0, Alex Ot 0. HCP 3.
Oberbrunn Polo Club: Simon Schneiderbauer -1, Richard Juls -1, Ken Kawamoto 0, Nacho Vicente 2. HCP 0
Gold Champion: La Tarde
Gold Cup Finalist: Bavaria polo club
Silver Cup Champion: Tagmersheim
Silver Cup Finalist: Oberbrunn
MVP Sophia Jaenecke
BPP Gilda, by Joaquin Copello Last day results:
Chiemsee vs Schwarzwald 7 1/2 - 7
Düsseldorf vs Landsberg 6 1/2 - 3
Oberbrunn vs Tagmersheim 5 - 6
La Tarde vs Bavaria 8 - 5 1/2