En el corazón de la capital italiana, más precisamente en el marco de la 88ª edición de Piazza di Siena, se disputará desde el 27 hasta el 29 de mayo el Italia Polo Challenge, dando inicio a esta serie en Roma. Se trata de un certamen en polo en la arena nocturno, con tres jugadores por equipo. Habrá polistas de varias nacionalidades y promesas del polo italiano.
En las dos primeras jornada se disputarán dos partidos de clasificación y en el último día de acción habrá dos finales (3° y 1° puesto), seguidas por la tradicional premiación.
Auspicia el torneo la Federazione Italiana Sport Equistri (FISE). La próxima parada será el Italia Polo Challenge - Porto Cervo (Sardinia, 21-24 de junio)

KEP Italia / Safe Riding: Carl-Henrick Lunsh (SWE), Thearance Cusmano (ITA), Patricio Rattagan (ARG).
DeNiroBootCo: Pedro Soria (ITA), Henry Elser (ITA), Goffredo Cuttinelli Rendina (ITA). SUP: Lavinia Elser (ITA).
Battistoni / Waldorf Astoria Cavalieri: Stefano Giansanti (ITA), Fabrizio Bulgarini (ITA), Lucas Palmero (ARG).
U.S. Polo: Francesco Scardaccione (ITA), Edoardo Fontana (ITA), Bautista Beguerie (ARG).
Auspician: Battistoni Roma, DeNiroBootCo, Kep Italia, Safe Riding, Roma Cavalieri A Waldorf Astoria Hotel, Officina Della Madaglia, SemAr, Federazione Italiana Sport Equistri (FISE).
English version

Piazza di Siena is back and so is polo played in the Villa Borghese. Just like two years ago the sand arena at the Galoppatoio will host one of the events called the Italia Polo Challenge, of which the first was held in 2019 during the traditional Roman show. In 2020 this event so greatly supported by the Argentinian player now Roman by adoption, Patricio Rattagan, took polo back to the snow of Cortina d’Ampezzo. The same happened again this year in spite of the absence of spectators due to anti-COVID rules. In Rome, using the arena polo format in a smaller field and with three players per team, the tournament will be played from Thursday May 27th to Saturday May 29th with two qualifying matches played on the first two days and the finals on the third and fourth days. It is of the utmost importance for us - explains Rattagan - to ensure there is continuity for these events and therefore in this case to play in Rome again after the inevitable pause in 2020. The Italia Polo Challenge circuit is growing and we will be playing in Porto Cervo in Sardinia this summer and our objective for the next season is to play throughout the year in all seasons, with Cortina d’Ampezzo in the winter playing on snow, Rome in the spring, Porto Cervo in the summer and a fourth tournament in the autumn.
Alessandro Giachetti El director del Dipartamento Polo della FISE nos cuenta sobre la gran temporada italiana 2021 que se viene, el sueño olímpico y más!
Ph1. Ufficio Stampa / Equi-Equipe
Ph2. © CONI / Simone Ferraro