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LS Skaggs Memorial Cup and Motorsport at Cotterel

Foto del escritor: prensapoloprensapolo

Cotterel Polo Farms at 6S Ranch, in Idaho, held the LS Skaggs Memorial Cup on June 10, 2022 in conjunction with a corporate retreat for the Calibr Researchers from The Scripps Research Institute.

Two teams enjoyed a big weekend of activities that culminated in a great 16-goal polo match, with some players of the Argentine Open. The researchers from Calibr enjoyed 3 days experiencing all that Cotterel Farms has to offer. Between their meetings, the researchers enjoyed rides in the various race trucks that TSA Motorsports brought out for the event, skeet shooting, exploring the farm and of course polo. To get Caliber more involved in the polo, they watched a practice on Thursday allowing all the players to show off their skills. That night at dinner the Caliber researchers and TSA Motorsports picked the players they wanted on their respective teams.

Calibr chose Jenny Luttrell Benardoni (0), Pedrinho Zacharias (7), Jejo Taranco (8) and Gabriel Saccullo (1) making a 16 goal team. TSA Motorsports chose Francisco Benardoni (2), Santiago Stirling (5), Tomas Alberdi (4) and Marcos Alberdi (5) making a equally impressive 16 goal team.

With Calibr and TSA making various bets on the outcome of the game there was much excitement as the game got underway the next morning. TSA made a slow start but rallied back, but not quite enough to beat out the Calibr team who took the cup with a score of 9 to 7. Gabriel Saccullo was awarded MVP and Tommy Alberdi’s horse Caudillo was chosen as Best Playing Pony.


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