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SD Farm es el campeón de la Mahogany Cup de 18 goles

Foto del escritor: prensapoloprensapolo

Segunda 18 goles de la cargada temporada del Port Mayaca Polo Club. Con seis fuertes equipos se jugó este importante certamen por la Mahogany Cup. SD Farm derrotó a Postage Stamp Farm en la definición, por 10 a 8. El encuentro fue parejo, con una primera mitad con pocos goles. El sexto chukker fue emocionante, con SD anotando temprano; enseguida respondió Postage SF con dos goles de Facundo Obregón de penal para empatar el juego en 8. Pero SD pudo sellar la victoria con dos tantos de juego de Peco Polledo y Collingwood. MVP: Santi Torres BPP: "Brasita" de Polledo

SD Farm defeated Postage Stamp Farm today to win the Mahogany Cup 18 Goal at Port Mayaca. A low scoring first half, Postage Stamp came out ahead to lead 4-3 at the half. SD Farm regrouped at half time, staying even with PSF in the fourth. The fifth chukker SD was able to score two unanswered goals from the field to take the lead for the first time in the game. The 6th chukker was an exciting one, with SD making an early goal, answered with two by Facundo Obregon from the penalty line to tie the game at 8 all. But SD was able to seal the win with two more field goals by Polledo and Collingwood.

Final Score 10-8

MVP: Santi Torres

Best Playing Pony: Peco Polledo's "Brasita"


Old Hickory Bourbon: TBA, Keko Magrini 2, Matías Magrini 7, Stevie Orthwein 4.

Postage Stamp Farm: Annabelle Gundlach 0, Facundo Obregon 6, Santino Magrini 4, Mariano Aguerre 8.

Beverly Polo: Bill Ballhaus 0, Tolito F. Ocampo 6, Lucas Díaz Alberdi 6, Hilario Figueras 4.

Equuelus: Joe DiMenna 0, Magoo Laprida 8, Mariano González 6, Martín Pepa 4.

SD Farm: Sayyu Dantata 0, Peco Polledo 6, Tommy Collingwood 5, Santi Torres 7.

Blackhound: Robert Orthwein 4, Henry Porter 4, Benjamin Avendaño 4, TBA.

Fixture and results

Sun 3/7 Equueleus defeated Blackhound 14-8

Tues 3/9 Beverly Polo defeated Old Hickory Bourbon 9-7

Th 3/11 SD Farm defeated Blackhound 10-6

Sun 3/14 Equueleus defeated SD Farm (18 Goal) 11-8

Th 3/18 Beverly Polo defeated Postage Stamp Farm 8-7

Mon 3/21 Postage Stamp Farm defeated Old Hickory Bourbon 10-9

Tuesday, March 23rd SD Farm defeated Beverly Polo 12-10 (Semi Final 1) Saturday, March 27th Eqqueleus vs. Postage Stamp Farm (Semi Final 1)

April 1st

Finals of the 18 Goal Mahogany Cup

11am SD Farm 10 vs. Postage Stamp Farm 8


DAY #7

DAY #6

DAY #5

DAY #4

DAYS #1,2,3


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