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VIRGINIA UNITED POLO, June Leagues! Full info

Foto del escritor: prensapoloprensapolo

Junio es el mes en el que comenzó la acción en la segunda temporada de la VIRGINIA UNITED POLO LEAGUE. Hubo tres torneos en simultáneo. La VUP se juega este año en los clubes Kingland Farm, Foxlease, Great Meadow y Beverly Equestrian. La temporada 2021 de la VUP está auspiciada por Campbell Weath. Fue concebida para nuclear el polo y tener una temporada de verano competitiva en Virginia En este junio se jugaron: 8 Goal, 6 Goal USPA Governors Cup y Open League Spring Cup


June is the month when the action started in the second season of the VIRGINIA UNITED POLO LEAGUE, with three tournaments simultaneously!

The VUP will are playing at the Kingland Farm, Foxlease, Great Meadow and Beverly Equestrian clubs supported by Campbell Weath.

This June they played: 8 Goal League, 6 Goal League USPA Governors Cup and Open League Spring Cup


- Beverly/ Greenhill: Wil Ballhaus -1, Rebekah Greenhill -1, Tolito Ocampo 6, Lucio Ocampo 4.

- Beverly / MorganStanley: Bob Parr 0, Bill Ballhaus 0, Hilario Figueras 4, Juan Sánchez 4. 

- Kingland: Liam Lott 1, Bautista Michelleti 3, John Gobin 4, Nelson Gunell 0.

- Dragonfly: Andy Hertneky 0, Tommy Huber 2, Trevor niznik 2, Marcos Bignoli 4.

- Foxlease / Pineapple: Eric Steiner 1, Hernán Lisaso 3, Audrey Wilde -1, Martín Ravina 4.



- Woodrow/Core Real Estate: Meghan Finlay -1,  Andrew Baldwin 0, Connor Deal 2, Nico Saenz 5.

- Foxlease: Julia Steiner 1, Eric Steiner  1, Isabella Wolf 1, Hernán Lisaso 3.

- Kingland: Nelson Gunnell 0, Liam Lott 1, George Krabbe 1, John Gobin 4.

- Dragonfly / Pineapples: Andy Hertneky 0, Audrey Wilde -1, Bauti Michelleti 3, Marcos Bignioli 4.

- Speedwell: Nicole Watson, Jason Paterniti, Lucas Arellano 2, Nico Eurnekean 4.

- Morgan Stanley: Bob Parr 0, Wyatt Harlow 1, TBA 1, Juan Sánchez 4.

- Fusia: Marwan -1, Martín Ravina 4, , Clarisa Echezarreta 1, Luis Echezarreta 2.

- Greenhill: David Greenhill 0, TBA, TBA, Lucio Ocampo 4.


June Open League Spring Cup

- Los Tigres/Hawaii: Debbie Nash, Jessica Martin, Marcos Bignoli, Jonás Larguia

- C Wealth Management: Kelly Campbell, Tolito Ocampo, Hilario Figueras, Bill Ballhause

- Burdick /Fusia: Isabella wolf, Tyler Burdick, Marwan, Alejandro Vial.

- La Fayette 67 / W Wealth: Bob Hinneman, Nico Eurnekean, Tom Wiseman, Tano Vial.

- Battlefield: Marcos Bignoli, Dori Burner, Sofi Bignoli, Emmy G.

- VUP UNLIMITED: Sterling Gianicot, Jofi, TBA, TBA.

Gallery - VUP Pro Match at Great Meadow

By @joannemaisanophoto and @maureen_evelyn04


Gallery - June 9th Greenhill vs Morgan Stanley @Beverly

By Joanne Maisano (Full gallery here)

Gallery - June 20 - 8 Goals - Dragonfly vs Pineapples/Foxlease // Beverly/Greenhill vs Beverly/Morgan Stanley

Gallery - June 27 - 8 Goals - Kingland vs Beverly / Morgan Stanley

June 27 and 30th, Open League Spring Finals - By @22gates_va


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