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VUL: los torneos de Julio terminaron con múltiples campeones

Versión español:

Julio tuvo un gran mes de polo en la Virginia United Polo League, con tres competiciones en simultáneo, que reunió a 21 teams: La July Open League, con 11 equipos; July 6-Goal, con 4 formaciones; y, July 8-Goal, con 6 conjuntos. Los partidos se jugaron en Beverly Equestrian, Kingland, Tigers y Foxlease Farm. La Liga durará hasta septiembre, para equipos de 6, 8 y 12 goles y fue creada para unificar el polo en Kingland, Foxlease y Beverly, en Virginia. Ver el torneo de junio, June 6-Goal, que se adjudicó Greenhill Morgan Stanley.

English version:

Virginia United Polo League continued through July. There was three competitions simultaneously, with 21 teams: The July Open League, with 11 teams; July 6-Goal, with 4 formations; and, July 8-Goal, with 6 sets.

Games took place at Beverly Equestrian, Kingland, Tigers and Foxlease Farm. The League will last until September, for teams of 6, 8 and 12 goals and was created to unify polo in Kingland, Foxlease and Beverly, in Virginia.

Finals - Gallery

July Open League

Springbok: Duilio Díaz, Issy Giuliani, Tanya Giuliani, Lucho Díaz.

Beverly: Bill Ballhaus, Wil Ballhaus, Tolito Ocampo, Hilario Figueras.

La Fayette67/Speedwell: Bob Hineman, Nico Eurkean, Tano Vial, Nicole Watson.

Los Tigres: Marcos Bignoli, Jessica Martin, Jonás Larguia, Debbie Nash.

Kingland/Highfield: José Lezcano, Michael Liss, Breanna Gunnell, George Krabbe.

Sierra/Vo2Max: Juan Sánchez, Cristina Parr, James Gadea, Rick Fine.

Woodrow: Chris Finlay, Sterling Gianico, Agustín Arellano, Meghan Finlay.

Battlefield: Dory Burner, John Gobin, Marion Caniovaggio, Bautista Michelleti.

Foxlease/Greenhill: Eirc Steiner, Isabela Wolf, Justo Mouriño, Rebekah Greenhill.

Gaurisco/Destination Polo: Kris Gali, Doug Barnes, Nacho Figueras, Laura Guarisco.

Wednesday July 8: Foxlease/Greenhill vs Maui/Highfield 10:00am @beverly

Wwiseman Wealth/TTR Sotheby’s: Caroline Chewning, Laura Farrell, Nicolas Eurnekian, Tano Vial.

Squedule & Results: Tuesday 21 - La Fayette67/ Speedwell vs Springbok 6:00pm @kingland 1

Thursday 23 - Woodrow vs Sierra/Morgan Stanley 3pm @beverly

Thursday 23 - Wiseman/Sotheby’s vs Maui/Highfields 4pm @beverly‬ Sunday 26 - Open league Salamander finals 5:30pm @Foxlease Tigers/Destination Polo 6 vs Springbok 4

Wednesday 29‬: - Point to point finals Maui/Highfield 5 vs Woodrow 4 @kingland 1

- Greenhill winery finals - Wiseman/Sotheby’s 5 vs Foxlease/Greenhill 4@beverly

- Morgan Stanley Finals - Beverly 3 vs Sierra/Morgan Stanley 6 @Beverly Thursday July 30‬: Tri county finals Speedwell/Lafayette 6 vs Battlefield 6 @Kingland 1


July 6-Goal

Dragonfly/Pineapple: Audrey Wilde -1, Bautista Micheletti 3, Marcos Bignoli 4, Andy Hertneky 0. Total 6

Beverly Equestrian: Bill Ballhaus 0.5, Tolito Fernández Ocampo 5, Eric Steiner 1, Will Ballahaus -1. Total 5.5

Kingland: Liam Lott 1, Breanna Gunnell 0, John Gobin 4, George Crabbe 1. Total 6

Speedwell/Kingland: Hilario Figueras 3, Nicole Watson 0, Santi Lavallol 2, Nelson Gunnell 0.5. Total 5.5

Squedule & Results:

Sunday 7/3 : Dragonfly/Pineapple 7 - 5,5 Speedwell/Kingland.

Sunday 7/3 : Kingland: 6 - 4,5 Beverly Equestrian. ‪Friday July 10: Dragonfly/Pineapple vs Beverly ‪5pm‬ @beverly

‪Friday July 10: Speedwell/Kingland 2 vs Kingland ‪6:30pm @kingland 1‬ Tuesday July 14: Speedwell/Kingland 2 6.5 vs Kingland ‪6 @kingland 1 ‪Friday July 17‬: Dragonfly/pineapple vs Kingland ‪6:30‬ @kingland 1

‪Saturday July 18‬: Beverly 5 vs speedwell/Kingland2 (Point to Point) 7 @foxlease SEMIFINAL #1 Tuesday July 21‬: Dragonfly/pineapple vs Kingland 10:30 @kingland SEMIFINAL #2 Saturday 25: Tri-County final @Beverly Beverly 7 vs Dagonfly/Pineapples 7.5 Tuesday 28: Kingland 7.5 vs Speedwell/Point to Point 5 USPA GOVERNORS CUP FINAL @kingland 1


July 8-Goal

Point to Point: Nelson Dunnel, Nico Eurnekian 4, Santi Lavallol 2, Wyatt Harlow. Total 6

Woodrow: Chris Finlay 0, Sterling Gianico 4, Agustín Arellano 4, Isabela Wolf 0. Total 8

Beverly: Bill Ballhaus 0, Wil Ballhaus -1, Tolito Ocampo 5, Hilario Figueras 3. Total 7

Dragonfly/Greenhill: Justo Mouriño 3, David Greenhill 0, Marcos Bignoli 4, Andy Hertnecky 0. Total 7

Morgan Stanley: Juan Sánchez 4, Cristina Parr 0, John Gobin 4, Bob Parr -0.5. Total 7.5

Squedule & Results:

Sunday 7/5 : Morgan Stanley 10 - 8 Point to Point Wednesday 7/8: Woodrow 8 vs Beverly 10.5 (@Kingland 1)

Wednesday 7/8: Dragonfly/GreenHill 7.5 vs Kingland 10 (@Kingland 1) ‪Sunday July 12‬: Dragonfly/Greenhill 9 vs Woodrow 8 (@kingland 1)

‪Sunday July 12‬: Beverly 8.5 vs Morgan Stanley 7‬ (@Beverly)

‪Wednesday July 15: Dragonfly/Greenhill 5 vs Morgan Stanley 6‬ @Kingland 1 ‪Thursday July 16‬: Point to Point 7 vs Kingland 9 @kingland 1

‪Sunday July 19‬: Beverly 9.5 vs Kingland 7 @ Kingland 1

‪Sunday July 19‬: Point to Point vs Woodrow ‪6:30pm‬ @beverly Sunday 26: The plains finals - Woodrow 9 vs Point to Point 2 @kingland 1

Sunday 26: Middleburg finals - Greenhill/Dragonfly 6.5 vs Morgan Stanley 6 @beverly Sunday 26: Kingland 7 vs Beverly Equestrian 9.5 Governors Cup @foxlease


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